We’ve had a few opportunities this winter to take a step away from the job sites and our desktops to attend award ceremonies. It’s a deep honor to receive recognition for the hard work our team produces every day.
Our Contemporary dining room at received gold at the dsm Home Awards in the Dining Room category. It was a fun event and was great to be there with so many of our industry peers. I am immensely grateful for the creativity, professionalism and dedication of my team. Without them and our clients’ trust, our project output couldn’t be what it is.

We wanted this space to feel like a piece of art. The client’s style and the architectural elements of the space drove us towards a show stopping mixture of materials, textures and neutral colors that feel fresh and sophisticated. The light fixture and the table are both works of art on their own. Combined together with the high quality chairs, the softest rug you’ve ever felt and some minimal styling, this dining room is one we are extremely proud of — award or no award.