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Here's what to do with your hydrangeas...

If you have tons of hydrangea bushes in your landscaping like I do, this wreath is an easy and beautiful way to incorporate them into your home! They dry really well too, so you can save the wreath year after year!

Here's what you will need:

  • twig wreath

  • snipped hydrangeas

  • garden cutters

  • floral protectant spray

The first thing you have to do is gather and snip quite a few hydrangeas. Mine were a mix of green and pink and I love the color it brings in.

Next, stick each hydrangea (cut the stems short) into the twig wreath. I had mine facing different directions and they are all different sizes too.

Finally, spray the floral protectant to keep the hydrangeas from shedding and dying out.

I placed my wreath on my front door and love the way it looks with my mums and pumpkins!



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